Why Do People Ignore Child Sexual Abuse?

Why did my mother do nothing to stop my father from molesting me?

While I was looking at some posts on Facebook about child abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking.. etc I felt this burning question arise. Why do people ignore child sexual abuse?  Most everyone can admit that we are angered & enraged every time we hear about another child that was sexually abused.  But does anyone in that child’s life (family, friends, and care-givers) report this abuse when they suspect it?

In the case of childhood incest and molestation, my family kept the secret. It wasn’t until I was an adult that my siblings & I spoke of it.  It wasn’t until I was an adult that there was any discussion between my parents & me about what my father had done to me.  While I was developing breasts and going through all the emotional & physical changes in puberty, any chance my father had to brush up against or grab my breasts – he would. Often times, this was done while others in my family were in the room laughing about how upset I was getting.  Like it was a funny joke.  Dad trying to touch my breasts as fast as he could before I would slap his hand.  Me screaming “Stop it! Leave me alone!”  My mother DID NOTHING! At 54 I still cringe when I think about it. 

I came across a post which I feel explains WHY some people ignore child sexual abuse.  WhyDo Adults Fail to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse or Exploitation?  Was difficult for me to read, but I started to understand a few things.

As difficult as it may be to accept, there are many genuine, compelling reasons that it can be challenging for adults – even otherwise loving and caring adults – to take protective action, or even to notice, when children are being sexually used or abused, or at risk of being harmed in that way. These reasons or causes include:

  • Overwhelming feelings (like fear, anger, or shame) caused by just thinking about the sexual abuse of children.
  • Confusion caused by incorrect stereotypes about what kinds of people sexually use and abuse children.
  • Physical, emotional, and financial dependency on an individual or group that would be lost (for oneself and the family) if such concerns are raised
  • Self doubts of various kinds (e.g., “I’m paranoid.” “What if I’m wrong?” “It’s none of my business.”).
  • Fears of various consequences (e.g., of acknowledging betrayal by a trusted and respected person, of being wrong, of being right).

(Each of these reasons or causes are explained in more detail in the post referenced above.)

Looking the other way or ignoring child sexual abuse DOESN’T stop it or help the child in any way.  It may make us very uncomfortable and we may think someone else will report it.  But what happens if no one does?  Think about the answer to THAT question. 

When I think about the years of physical, emotional and mental abuse my father caused me, the inner child screams and cries again. We must speak up about Child Sexual Abuse.  This type of abuse damages the soul of a child and “WE” are never given the chance to be loved & nurtured the way God intended us to be.

csa child sexual abuse report it

If you see, know of, or suspect Child Sexual Abuse; Please report it!
It may be the most important decision you will ever make. 
And IT WILL make a difference in the life of a child.

Open your eyes, as well as open your mouths.  Incest is a silent destroyer of everything good and beautiful in life.  Our children.


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