Normal ... What's that?

Many survivors of incest and abuse feel they are not normal and wonder what  they must do to be like other people; like the normal ones.  I've asked myself the same question.  For us, there are periods in our life where we ARE normal.  But because of the impact that our abuse has on us, we forget these times.  Normal has a different definition for each one of us.
what is normal
         Normal is ...
  • having a family and friends
  • having a pet
  • not having a mental diagnosis
  • having a job, or a house, or a car, or a college degree
  • being free from discomfort & pain (i.e. ... mental, physical, spiritual)
  • a feeling of peace and fulfillment
  • never having been abused
normal is an illusion Morticia Addams
What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly
What is your idea of what NORMAL is?  Is it a feeling?  Is it an accomplishment at a given age in life?  Is it no longer having an emptiness in your soul?

My definition of NORMAL is _____ (fill in the blank).

My definition of NORMAL is .. never having been abused.
What's yours? 


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