Priest Sexual Abuse

When we think of childhood sexual abuse, we don’t think of abuse perpetrated by the religious clergy. Growing up, I often prayed for deliverance from my abuse.  I always believed that when I was in church, the pastor (I was non-catholic) was speaking to us with words from The Father.  Since my abuse was incest by my dad, I thought the Heavenly Father was my own personal Father. At least that is how I thought at the time. But to learn, later, as an adult, that individuals where being sexually abused by clergy .. well, that just made me ill.  Destroyed my whole image of religion and faith. 
Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Archbishop Timothy Dolan, seen in this 2009 file photo, listens as the Apostolic letter is read by the Vatican's ambassador to the United States during his installation Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Credit: Associated Press

Today, the Milwaukee Archdiocese released thousands of pages from priest sex abuse files.  I can only pray (I still believe. Just don’t go to church any more) the victims will finally receive acknowledgement of their abuse. Isn’t that what we all want? To be heard. For others to KNOW and ACCEPT that there was abuse done TO US. Not so that we hear “Oh you poor Dears!”. But so the Light of Truth will show the UNSEEN, unheard stories of our past. So we can heal & move on. And so no one else should suffer the same.

My hope today is that those victims/Survivors of sexual abuse by the clergy will find peace.  Peace that does surpass all understanding. The peace from God, our Father.

Read the story Milwaukee Archdiocese releases thousands of pages from priest sex abuse files


  1. I have divorced faith from religion for reasons like the one you mention above. Churches aren't necessary and organized religion is often messed up. God is love. Kind of simple, I think. Lots of love to you.

  2. Thank you, El for your comment. I have to agree. It is kind of simple. God is Love. Blessings to you.


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