We’ve been told that we have the ability to rise above adversity; that we all have opportunity given us.  But as I watch the leaves fall from the trees, my thoughts are “What do the falling leaves think”?

Where is the chance/the opportunity for the leaf?  He wishes he had the chance to remain on the branch.  But, lo and behold, LIFE already had a plan. He is no longer useful/needed by the tree.

So a person with adversity and pain thinks.  Opportunity knocks  at our door.  We answer. But still, no one is there to offer the CHANCE.  Life is NOT what we make of it.  Just look around at all the pain & suffering. 

For those who are unemployed, this demon of negative thinking is real every day.  Where’s the purpose in life?  Why am I no longer useful or needed? Every day my husband goes off to work; yet I have no place to go. No opportunity knocking. No chance given.  We are all at the mercy of our LOT IN LIFE. 

Now what to do with that.  No matter how much a person struggles to SURVIVE childhood sexual abuse, the effects are always with us.  Maybe the employers can see the damage of CSA on me?  Tarnished, used, broken ME.  Noone offering me THE CHANCE.  My life already written and published.  So now the question of “Why suffer more pain and go on”?

Economy driven & determined by others.  Childhood destroyed by others.  Where’s the CHANCE?  Had many opportunities. No CHANCES. All my dreams destroyed.  My abilities (like the leaf) is affected by others.  Not based on who I am. 

Again, I AM i cried! I AM but no one hears.  No one reaches out with CHANCES.  The leaf screams for life as it hits the ground. No life to be found. Only sorrow, pain and death. The leaf was once vibrant, full of life’s purpose. Then no more. No use, no need. 

So, do I suffer more pain, agony and go on living? Or do I embrace the ultimate ending? For no one has given me THE CHANCE. 

Open your eyes, as well as open your mouths.  Incest is a silent destroyer of everything good and beautiful in life.  Our children.


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