
want respect give respect

This morning I saw a video of President Obama saluting Marines while holding a cup of coffee.  I was disappointed, enraged, disgusted after watching it and listening to the media news reporters.  Then, it got me thinking.  It's all about RESPECT or lack there of.

Anyone who has been abused knows the importance of respect and the desire to hold on to it. I don't know if being a victim of incest has made me more sensitive to disrespectful situations; But I do know that I have a strong belief in God's word "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".  And treating others with respect is the most basic component to humanity.  For without respect, there would be no love.

The victim of childhood sexual abuse or incest is NOT respected by the perpetrator.  The minorities rioting in our cities are NOT respected by a society filled with racial injustice.  Parents & children do NOT respect each other in the home.  Clergy abusing their church members are NOT respecting their Church, God, or the faithful followers in any religion.  People of every nation are NOT respected by the governments that rule over them. And so the cycle of disrespect goes on and on and on.

If every one of us stopped pointing fingers at who we thought was at fault about any disagreement or issue; and we all took more effort in showing and giving respect for others; then most all of the problems in our families, cities, countries and the world would become non-existent.  

Instead of being enraged about disrespect maybe we should begin treating others in the manner we would want to be treated; with the RESPECT WE ALL DESERVE!


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