The Moment My Inner Child & I became One

My father, my molester, died recently on Sept 11, 2014.  For years I’ve told people, including family, that when that day would come I would throw a party instead of attend the funeral.  Now I know that was a dream based on my emotions and my level of healing from the incest. 

I had on-again off-again relationship with members of my immediate family .. father, mother, and siblings.  The last time I had contact with them was 2 years ago.  The night the phone rang on 9/11/2014 and the caller ID was my sister, I knew before I answered the call my father had died.  I took the call. I had no emotion.  A sense of calm came over me.  Then the decision of whether I would attend the funeral in a few days. 

It wasn’t until my son made arrangements to fly in from out of town, that I decided YES I would attend the funeral.  With the support of my husband, my son, and my daughter I was able to say my final good bye to my abuser, my father. 

I have cried many times over the years about what he did to me.  But nothing compared to the tears I wept on the day of his funeral 9/16/2014.  I’ve discovered that it was another piece in my healing that I needed to go through.  Before the visitation & service began, our family had a quiet private moment alone.  My youngest brother & my sister and I sat in the front pew.  One on each side of me.  I reached for their hands, squeezed their hand, our eyes met.  For once there were no words needed, no words said.  The three of us just knew we were each grieving about a man who was our father.  I was no longer grieving about a man who molested me. 

I can honestly say I am glad I attended his funeral.  It was incredibly healing for me.  I wasn’t grieving or crying.  The little girl inside me from my childhood was grieving & crying.  And we became one on the day we buried my father.

The storm has passed. See the rainbow?
It’s beautiful. Life is beautiful.
And you are beautiful too.
© IAMicried
Visions of Rainbows


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