Grandchildren and the Silence of Grandparents

While visiting our daughter-in-law’s family over Christmas, an incident with my step-grandson (age 4) has me upset.  It was the last thing I thought about before falling asleep last night and the first thing I thought of this morning.

After the lunch-time Christmas meal, after the exchange of gifts, the adults were sitting and talking. Our grandchildren, 4 yr old and 2 yr old, were playing with their toys NOT so quietly. Then it started. The climbing onto kitchen table, throwing toys, hitting parents, making phone calls using parent’s cell phones, jumping on beds, slamming doors .. etc. Jake, our 4 yr old was on “over-load”.

My husband and I watched like “Silent Lambs” as the children took control of their parents. Daughter-in-law laid on the couch while her son Jake pulled her hair, jumped and climbed all over her, hitting, punching and head-butting her.  She did nothing. Jake’s step-dad sighed and groaned a few times waiting for someone to do something. The whole time, Jake laughed and thought this was fun.

Then it happened.  While I was watching the 2 yr old mesmerized by his new books, quietly trying to read them, Jake ran over to me and head-butted me in my arm. I screamed in surprise and pain. Ouch! That will leave a big black & blue mark.  His mom & dad told him to apologize to Grandma over and over. But he never did. Did they pick him up and make him apologize? Nope. They proceeded to express to him how disappointed they were with him while he continued to run around laughing like a wild ban chi. 

phrase bad parenting results in assholesI was speechless. My husband was speechless.  I think we were both in shock by what just happened.  If I had acted like this as a child, I would have been spanked and sent to my room. We did not treat our parents, grandparents or anyone else like this. However, the parents of today do not believe in spanking or punishing their kids. The attitude is, “Well, they are just being kids.”  I have spoken out in the past about how I feel when I think the grandchildren should be spanked or disciplined. But the mom (who has a degree in Early Childhood Development) quietly ignores the conversation.

What is it with parents today and not disciplining their children? When did parents decide it was not important to teach their children right & wrong and that the kids’ decisions or actions have NO CONSEQUENCES?  Why do minor children show/give NO RESPECT to their parents, other adults? What is the matter with people and this country?!

We, as victims of abuse, are told to speak up and tell our story so others may know they are not alone. So why did I keep silent when I was head-butted painfully by my grandson? Why did I keep silent while I watched my grandson abuse his mother?  Yes, I call it abuse. Anyone, young or old, physically hitting, jumping on, punching or bruising another human being is committing assault and abuse. Period!

I think I was silent for several reasons. 
  1. When I spoke up before about it, parents did nothing.
  2. I was given dirty looks or over-heard comments about MY actions and responses I made. I have tried to step-in and discipline Jake in the past when he misbehaved. That did not go over well with his parents.
  3. My childhood sexual assault trained me to be still, keep quiet, don’t rock the boat.
disciplining your kids Bad Parenting
 What are we teaching our children by allowing misbehavior?  Well, take a look at the evening news.  These children grow up to be adults that misbehave. We have raised irresponsible misbehaving hateful adults. Adults that think they do not have to take responsibility for their actions. Adults that don’t think they have done anything wrong and that everyone else is wrong.  These are the same people that will be one day responsible for taking care of their aging parents. Boy! I can only imagine what that will be like.

The message I’m trying to convey is this – As survivors of incest and childhood sexual abuse, we have a responsibility.
  1. No more silence about our abuse.
  2. No more silence about the behavior of others
  3. No more silence about right and wrong
  4. No more silence about the raising of our grandchildren
By keeping silent about my grandson’s behavior and the inability of his parents TO BE PARENTS, I was doing the same thing as by KEEPING SILENT about my abuse.  SILENCE IN EITHER SITUATION WAS WRONG.  I may not be able to change the world. But I can change a small piece of it. It begins with those closest to me.  If each one of us started by teaching morality and respect of others in our immediate families, then the world would be changed.  We are still SILENT VICTIMS until we can speak up against all injustice.  Not just abuse done to us in the past. Where are our voices when we see misbehavior happening NOW? 

I regret keeping silent about my grandson’s behavior and disrespect toward me.  I should have taken charge the minute he head-butted me causing pain and a bruise to my arm.  By keeping silent I am still acting like a Victim. We would do our children justice by RAISING RESPONSIBLE RESPECTABLE children. We don't need to abuse them. I do not encourage that. But parents do need to discipline them.


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