What Happens When Tomorrow is Today?

I’m a procrastinator.  I’ll admit it.  What is on my “To Do List” can wait until tomorrow.  But what if tomorrow is today?  Sitting here thinking of all the things I should be doing; but I’d rather do nothing. 

Tomorrow is TodayDepression does that to a person.  When I’m depressed, I just want to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed.  I prefer to sleep & dream rather than face reality.  I don’t have control over reality and REALITY doesn’t look very good.

Well, it’s time to wake up.  Face reality.  Do the work that needs to be done to have a “Rainbow-Filled” tomorrow.  A great quote for days like today – “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. 

We call ourselves “Survivors” of child sexual abuse.  But to be a survivor there is a lot of work to be done.  One item on the “To Do List” is to fight through and deal with our depression. 
·         Reach out for positive support (family, friends, co-workers)
·         Challenge your negative thinking (how would positive you talk to negative you)
·         Take care of your physical needs (eat, sleep, exercise)
·         Recognize when you need additional help from a professional
The work we do in dealing with our depression will make each “episode” that much easier than the earlier episodes. 

Item two on the “To Do List” is to love yourself.  Be good to yourself.  Do things you enjoy that are positive and healthy alternatives to the self-destructive things you do.  As we grow we discover the “Real US”.  One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am stronger than I think I am.  I enjoy reading.  I enjoy cooking new recipes.  I enjoy holding hands with my husband.  I enjoy how he makes me feel when he winks at me.  I have found ways to “think outside myself”.

“To Do List” number 3 is to tell your story so others may be helped.  Tomorrow is Today.  Stop putting off until tomorrow what should be done today.  The strength you will gain by purging your story, putting it in writing, telling others, is like nothing you have ever felt.  When I joined a support group of other CSA survivors and started my blog, I was so afraid.  But once I realized that I wasn’t alone, I felt relief.  I felt real compassion and understanding from others in similar situations.  We all need to feel connected to other people (family, friends, co-workers).  When we deprive ourselves of this connection we become stagnant, unable to grow or move on from our abuse. 
the sun will come out tomorrow

The sun WILL come out tomorrow IF we do the work today.

The storm has passed. See the rainbow?
It’s beautiful. Life is beautiful.
And you are beautiful too.
© IAMicried
Visions of Rainbows


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